Brixton Soup Kitchen operates on an open door policy.

The Soup Kitchen is open to the public on weekdays for hot meals and drinks; and just somewhere to get in out of the cold! Our doors are open between 10am to 2pm on Mondays to Fridays (297-299 Coldhabour Lane, SW9 8RP).
Receive legal advice on Benefits appeals, Debts, Housing, Childcare on Thursdays between 6pm to 8pm. Service provided by Lawyers in the Soup Kitchen.
Activity program launching soon
Find homelessness service in you area through the homelessness search tool.

Receive support from Citizen’s advice on housing and council support.

Receive support on housing from Shelter.

Receive support from Nacro if you have a criminal conviction.

If you are 18 to 24 years old and homeless get employability support from the Youth Employment Skills Programme.

Call 0808 2000 247 (free number/National domestic Violence Hotline) if you are facing domestic violence or know someone who is.

Check out the Help to Rent database by Crisis, for finical support on housing.

If you know anyone that is rough sleeping please contact Street Link.

There is array of different clothing and items you can choose from at the Soup Kitchen on Coldhabour Lane.


Rose’s Story

When Rose, a single mother of two was made redundant she had to rely on benefits to get by. Desperate to get back to work, she succeeded in organising job interviews. But things were about to take a turn for the worse. Rose missed her signing on time by a couple of hours and was sanctioned for two weeks. Upset, she tried to contest this but was sanctioned for a further week, meaning four weeks without support. Losing a month’s worth of income would make it impossible for Rose and her family to get by. When she needed somewhere to turn, Rose walked into Brixton Soup Kitchen and told us her story. A care package of milk, bread, food, toothpaste, toothbrushes and other toiletries provided Rose with the immediate relief she needed. Just as importantly, we were there to offer support, companionship and a hug. With the help of Brixton Soup Kitchen, Rose was able to stay in her home and feed her family.

Paul’s Story

Paul reached out to our services from prison he was in tears not knowing where to turn. We invited him down to the Soup Kitchen to offer support. Paul is now one of our main volunteers.

Larry’s Story

When Larry first wandered into Brixton Soup Kitchen, he was homeless, hungry and sleeping on his friend’s sofa. Brixton Soup Kitchen provided him food and company. He appreciated sitting down and having a conversation with us.  With the help of Brixton Soup Kitchen, Larry was encouraged to invest in himself. He’s now working for Bookers in Vauxhall, he’s no longer homeless and he’s doing well.

“People come to Brixton Soup Kitchen and come out stronger” – Larry